Friday, August 14, 2009

The Science Museum!!


Today me & my family, [Mom, Dad, Me 12, Grant 9,Collin 5, Lauren 4, Benny 2, Ruby 0] went to the Science Museum.

It was so fun! Dinosaurs everywhere! Science gizmos everywhere! SO FUN!
First we went in and looked around for a while and then went to the place where you play with little gadgets that tell you, how blood you have in your body. [I had about 8 pints] and other stuff.

There was this wave thing where you could control the wave motion. [Awesome!]

Sorry, I have say something random. I'm listening to Never Alone by Barlow Girl. Such an awesome song.

Anyways *rolls eyes* we saw this Triceratops. HE'S BE-AWESOME!! & this T-rex head! Awesome! & also we saw this mummy. and my Mom heard this little girl say 'What happens when I die? Do I become a mummy too?'

Her mother said gruffly, 'No, you just turn to dust.'

I should have said something!! But I didn't hear it!! ARGH!! I'm so sad for that little girl...

And also, we almost lost Benny. We looked almost everywhere!! I was so scared. But my Mom found him. *sigh of relief*

We also, [I've said 'also' too much] LOL went outside in this 'Big Backyard' thing and looked around. *Bored sigh*

And after that we went to Sonic and got drinks. I got a lime-limeade! Hah-ha! cha'

Well, that was my day!!!!!!!! :]



  1. Sounds fun. When Bekah, Josh, Peter and I went to the science museum awhile ago, it was a blast. :D


  2. Awesome!!! The science museum is so cool. :D
    I'm glad you had fun.


    PS: Sonic rocks! :D
    PSS: We have to have a sleepover soon!!!!!!

  3. Jake, I agree with you. I hope, when I go to Heaven someday, that God has Sonic! LOL JK

    God's gonna have wayyyyyyyy better food.


  4. And Yeah, we need to have Sleepover!!

