Thursday, February 18, 2010

David after the Dentist

Hey guys - srry I haven't posted forever. To tell the truth, posting is getting to be like a job. Our something that you do if you have nothing else to do. I know most of you guys are blogger freaks, but - I'm not.

But what I'm really posting is this great new video, "David after the Dentist".

It's this little boy who has just taken some strong medicine from his Dentist. It is supposed to help his teeth. Guys, just to let you all know. DO NOT click on the bottom three video's to your right JUST, the top one. And don't worry, this video is completely safe. [My pastor showed it in church.] Haha! xD




  1. Umm, all of those are about cars...or is that what you wanted to show???

  2. Haha, I looked it up on youtube, nice one ry. I know that feeling.

  3. Yeah, um, no, that wasn't it. But thanks for lookin' it up. It's hilarious!

