Friday, August 7, 2009

Tim Hawkins


Recently I have found out that Tim Hawkins is the best comedian eva'!
He will make you laugh until your side aches. He's hilarious! I suggest the second to bottom one on my side bar to the right.

Well, soooooo, yeah.


p.s. Me and my fam are going to ND, soooo, cha'. I'll be back some time in [I-don't-no].


  1. hahahahaha! I SO agree! Tim Hawkins rocks... my favourite would have to be his song about 'things you don't say to your wife' and the 'coporate worship songs' one... hahahahahahah SOOOO hilarious!

  2. Yeah, completely funny! But my favorite ones are 'Tim Hawkins on Parenting' and 'My favorite Bible Verse'

    Those are hilarious too.!

