Thursday, July 23, 2009

The "Bike" Story


Well, I might as well get into the story.

Yesterday, me and my brother Grant and I biked to the library to get some books. *No, dar!* We arrived at the library and Grant said, "Go get a bike lock, Ryan."

I foolishly answered, "We don't need one."

"Ryan, we need a bike lock."

I answered again, "We don't need one."

Grant had recently gotten a new bike with some money he earned. The bike was a red mongoose with black pegs on the back wheel. He was very proud of it. Grant gave up arguing with me and we both walked in. We looked around and I couldn't, really find anything. Grant found one movie, so we both headed back to the bikes. Grant was first to the bikes and he said, "Their gone."

I looked at him and said, "What are you talking about?" But then I looked and there was no bike. My Dad's bike was still there [that I had ridden]. He started to cry and we both ran back into the library. I went to the front desk and said, "Someone has stolen my brothers' bike."

The black-haired lady looked at me and said I should go to the "Information Desk". We did and I repeated the same sentence. She said I should bike too the Police Department right next door. Grant asked if he could call Mom and she said 'yes'.

I strode out of the building and biked fast too the 'Police Department'. I got there and stated my business to a police officer over the phone. Her name was 'Officer Gomez'. I clumsily stated what the bike looked like and my phone number and stuff like that. She said that she would meet me at the 'Crystal Police Department' (Where I was) I was [so] mad at that person who stole my brothers' bike! But I was even more mad at myself who foolishly and stupidly didn't lock up the bikes. Grant's money went down the drain. My Mom's silver suburban pulled up to police department. I was dead! I greeted her and she had this look on her face that said something like this, 'Grant is so sad.'

So I explained what happened and she took me to the desk to ask where I was supposed to be when 'Officer Gomez' came to interview me. She said I could be outside or inside. I went outside and talked with Grant and Mom. He was so sad. It broke my heart.

'Officer Gomez' pulled up and interviewed me on basically the same things that I talked about on the phone. I felt so stupid.

We got into the truck and drove around looking for the stolen bike. We thought we saw it once but we didn't. We drove around looking for the bike for almost an hour. While we we're driving, I felt so sad about it that I said, "Grant,"


"I'll buy you a new bike if we don't find the red one."

My Mom didn't bother to look at me, "I think that's fair."

So now I owe him a new bike.

As we road home we saw this guy riding on a bike that was purple with alien green writing on the bar. I pointed it out and thought it was my neighbor [Esperanza's] bike. We didn't no for sure so we didn't nab him.

Turns out, Esperanza's bike was missing when we asked her.
If you happen to see the bikes contact me. My email address is or just comment on my blog.

Thanks guys


  1. That sucks! I'm so sorry! You were really sweet to Grant about offering to buy him another one, though.


  2. *blushes* thanks, Kendra.

    IK!! He was crying.

